A Golden Summer’s Day, Mt. Galiano, showing on the BC Ferries Onboard Gallery


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My family loves to hike up Mt. Galiano.  The first time we did, it was a golden summer day and we were all on vacation.  Chatting together, hiking through the forest we didn’t have any glimpses of the view, but the panorama that enfolded before us at the summit was breathtaking.  We sat on the grass, here and there, under the shade of a Douglas fir or Garry oak and took some time to just drink it all in.  Moments like this are treasures.

The 84 hectares that comprise the Mt Galiano Nature Protection area —- which includes the  314m summit, the island’s highest point of land —- were purchased in 1991, from the MacMillan Bloedel Co, after an energetic and creative fundraising campaign by the island  community.

This painting will be available for delivery in the fall of 2023 when it has completed it’s showing on the BC Ferries Onboard Gallery.